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Abstract: Can you eat... A pea? A pear? A bee? A bear? In this spin-off board book to the bestselling picture-book companion, food critic (and dad) Joshua David Stein asks the question, "Can you eat...?" followed by a lyrical list of illustrated items. From familiar items like apple pie and pineapple to the more nonsensical, like underpants and elephants, this read-aloud twist on a first book of food offers plenty of giggles, with simple yet sophisticated hand-drawings by Julia Rothman that provide authenticity and a balance of seriousness to the silliness at hand. Ages 1-3
Titolo e contributi: Can you eat? / written by Joshue David Stein ; pictures by Julia Rothman
Pubblicazione: [S.l.] : Phaidon, 2019
Descrizione fisica: 1 volume (senza paginazione) : cartone, ill. ; 18 cm
EAN: 9780714878829
Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)
Paese: Regno Unito
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TREVIOLO | LETTORI IN ERBA A STE | TRL-76115 | Su scaffale | Prestito locale |
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