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Abstract: Peep under leaves and behind branches to discover hibernating squirrels, creepy crawlies and more in this charming introduction to trees, filled with intricately cut flaps and holes to peep through. Find out what trees need to grow, what happens to a tree through the seasons, how long an oak tree can live for and much more. Età di lettura: da 5 anni.
Titolo e contributi: Peep inside a tree / illustrated by Simona Dimitri ; [written by Anna Milbourne]
Pubblicazione: [Londra] : Usborne, 2018
Descrizione fisica: 1 volume (senza paginazione) : cartone, ill. ; 20 cm
EAN: 9781474933841
Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)
Paese: Regno Unito
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NEMBRO | R A MIL (ING) | NEM-95409 | Su scaffale | Prestabile | |
CIVIDATE AL PIANO | R A MIL Sez. Lingua | CIV-21747 | Su scaffale | Prestito locale |
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